Dance Turkey Dance

Friday, October 31, 2008

My Dirty Little Secret

Listen. Do you want to know a secret? Do you promise not to tell?

I like hanging my laundry. I might complain about it, but the truth is, it's been fun. Today, I realized how absurd it looked to have Lula's comforter cover hung from a line strung between two trees in the play area. Then it suddenly struck me - this isn't absurd at all, it's fun. It was normal for my grandmother. I keep asking my mom, "How the heck did you guys get your sheets dry? Your towels??!!. Duh, Julie. Air. For thousands of years, air.

Plus, I like the way it smells. In my efforts to save money I've started shopping at Aldi. Well, Aldi only has ONE type of laundry soap, and I can tell you it's NOT the unscented, environmentally friendly Seventh Gen I used to get. It's the stinky, overperfumed stuff I used to look down my planet friendly nose at. And, much to my shame, I like the way it smells as it billows in the breeze. Sue me.

And, really, if I was doing my laundry like the modern day automaton I've become, in a tiny windowless room, would I be hanging sheets on the monkey bars of my kids' swing set? And, then shamelessly sliding down the slide to get back to earth? Man, mornings just don't get any better than that.

Almost as good as coffee with no one touching me.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Blame Mummybuttons and Bill Gates

Yup. Mmmmmm hmmmmm.

So...I awoke early this morning, 5am to be precise, looking forward -- if such a thing is possible when leaving behind in one's bed a small, hot toddler and a snuggly, fuzzy man -- to some alone time with my beloved pet, Bob, in Pet Society. It's these rare moments before the sun is up that save my sanity. I can drink HOT coffee without worrying about the two year old bogarting it and possibly burning herself in her precocious caffeine greed. Alas, Bill Gates and Windows had other ideas for me.

In the dark I stumbled onto the black screen of death. The computer was on, but it was very sad. What seemed like hours of rebooting, unplugging, and cursing passed while my coffee brewed. When the computer finally woke from it's frightening slumber I found not my saved Firefox windows from yesterday, but a selection of things that were weeks old, including

So, it's squarely upon the shoulders of Bill Gates and Mummybuttons, who sent me this link in the first place, that I place the blame for my purchase of the Village frock

My name is Julie, and this is my story. I shall stick to it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lula's First Design, Zac Efron, and Pancakes

Lula made her first monster today. Well, Lula made me a pattern and I made a monster to her specs. Being the horrible mom I am, I also made her cry by asking her to let me take her picture.

Next up some pics of the Mighty E multitasking while she gets ready to make pancakes while keeping her groundhog safely away from the stove. He's so happy up there snuggled up to his mama. It really cracks me up looking at these shots of Ella. She looks so much like a harried stay at home mama -- slippers and all.

Finally, I'm coming clean with my Zac Efron love. Ella and I have been making playlists at and High School Musical of course made hers...and mine. I'm listening to Zac "Bet on It" as I type. Does it redeem me that the next song is "Queen Bitch" by Bowie? I thought not, that's why Justin Timberlake is up after Bowie with "Sexyback". I think I officially qualify as a dirty old lady now.

Monday, October 20, 2008

In Honor of Jayney - Union Jack PJ Pants

My first recon project. This started life as my tshirt. It's now pajama pants for Lula. I still need to finish the waistband, but I couldn't wait to share!!

Jayney (mummybuttons) has been such a sewing inspiration and such a big help to me. And, so we salute you, Jayne, and your entire country with these pants. I mean, um, trousers...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Good New and Bad News

Well...the good news is that, after thirteen years of complaining about the dryer not having an air cycle we finally have one. Bad new is that we no longer have a "heat" cycle...

Finally! Something for the Ellabella

Still not a knotty dress tute. Some day it shall come. I swear.

I finally managed to make something fallish for Ellabella. Now, granted, it's made from super lightweight brushed cotton quilting fabric, thereby rendering it's fall use dubious at best. I'm working up the courage to do the next skirt with a lining...possibly (gasp) even a zipper. My sewing idol Jayney, A.K.A mummybuttons, keeps pushing the Amy Butler Barcelona pattern on me. Supposedly it is the penultimate skirt pattern. So...conquer the mighty zipper I shall.

Of course, said conquering (or purchase of said pattern) will have to wait for the recovery of our finances from my latest binge at the mighty Mary Jo's Cloth Store in Gastonia, NC. And, people, let me tell you...there's nothing funnerer than a 32,000 square foot fabric store with the entire family, including Bruce, in tow. I'm amazed that Bruce didn't retreat to the knitting section in search of needles with which poke out his eyes.

For those of you not lucky enough to live within driving distance (Jayne) of my fabric mecca, here's a link for you: It really is quite overwhelming...beautiful, too. I could pack a lunch and stay for the day.

Without further rambling, I present for your viewing pleasure Ellabella, modelling stylish totally impractical fall Octopi a line:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another Dress for Lula -- Still not a Knotty Dress Tute

Someday I'll get to that Knotty Dress Tute. Really. But, when projects as cute as this Octopi dress are dancing in front of can I concentrate on the things that really need to get done?

Please excuse all the hangy stringies, lack of buttons, and the gratuitous cuteness of the last shot.