Things that Make the Turkey Happy
Things that make the turkey inside me happy -- first, awesome psychedelic vintage fabric scored on ebay. There are no words to describe the happy making power of this piece of cloth. I have no idea what I'll do with it, other than roll around in it and pet it and call it George.
Another set of happy making stuff -- Ella's first sleepover. It's been speculated that this is actually a a tribe of the elusive Sleeping Bag Monsters that National Geographic has been trying to capture on film for years. Bruce and I were grateful to have survived the experience. We made the mistake of going in without ear protection. My eardrums still bleed daily as a result of their terrifiying high pitched squeals. It's a very effective method of self defense, and largely the reason why these elusive creatures are not documented more. Definitely not a mission for the faint of heart.
I was lucky enough to capture their mummification ritual as well. I narrowly avoided becoming a Mommy Mummy myself. While this was definitely one the anthropological highlights of my life, I consider myself blessed to have experienced it once. I have plans to become too closely tied to the tribe.
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