Dance Turkey Dance

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Things


Lula is named for my maternal grandmother. Lucy's full name is Lucy Faye, and Grandma was Faye Lucille. My grandmother was born Leila Faye, but apparently at some point in elementary school she changed her own name because there was another Leila who was a meanie. I love the spunk in that deed. This from a woman who signed her name "Mrs. George D. Brown" on her credit card receipts. I see that same flicker of independence in Lula, and I'm happy that she shares more than just a name with my Grandma.

So, getting back to the title of today's post, here are a couple of my favorite things. There are many more, but these are the thinks sitting on the compact flash card which is still in the computer.

First, a shirt that belonged to my grandmother. Out of the bazillion relatives in my mother's extended family I was the last to go through Grandma's house after she passed away. All the "good stuff" had been raided. Pffft. I didn't care. I wanted the things that brought her back to me, like this ratty old blouse. Grandma was a crafter and a gardener, and I can picture her doing both in this blouse. It sits at the front of my closet, and I love it. Every time I look at it I remember the time I came home from college to visit her and she asked me to clean out the gutters of her two story house. I tried, but was too afraid, so my eighty-something grandmother climbed the ladder while I held the bottom steady for her.

I remember thinking that her house had become a shell. Walking through her home after it had been stripped bare by relatives and strangers it seemed almost two dimensional. Saddest to me was the coffee tin sitting on the kitchen table filled with yarn roses that she had made. That was another thing I grabbed and will keep forever. My crafty DNA definitely is a Grandmotherly legacy.

Next, her breadbox. She used it right up til the end, and I have the nasty leftover breadcrumbs to prove it! I miss her.

And lastly, a fabric scrap sent from a good friend in the UK. A small thing that makes me very happy. Thank you, Jayne.



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