Lynne's New Keychain!!
Well....after numerous attempts over the years to master something other than a single long chain, well, or the Pee Pee Beanie of a couple of years ago [shudder], I finally decided that the only logical way to learn crochet was to pick up the phone and call Lynne. I figured if she could teach me how to wrap my baby via speaker phone then single crochet would be a breeze.
And that's why this lovely project, completed over the course of two (yes I said TWO) hours on the phone with her is headed her way. Just to say 'Thank you -- crochet can't be learned via phone'. And, well, 'Julie is impossible to teach crochet, but at least the hook isn't sharp and she can't hurt herself, so here...take this crappy keychain as my way of saying thanks...'.
It's amazing how much a keychain can say, isn't it?
Oh wow. Julie, it's. . . ummmm. . . lovely. Really. Looks like a tiny woolly technicolor penis. That you can hang keys from.
I told her she should keep it to put inside the aforementioned Peenee Beanie, but no dice. However, since I haven't taught her how to finish off the work yet, I think I may be safe from the Amazing Technicolor Penis Keychain.
Not so, Lynne. You forget, you DID tell me how to finish it off. Moohahaahaaahaaaa....
And watch out, Miss're next on my list!!!
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